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Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia • Page 2

Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia • Page 2

Daily Pressi
Newport News, Virginia
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

u.ui.x, xNcvvruKr incws, viruijnia, rwiUAi, Auuusr 30, 19ns TWU WAR BeOUCHT HOME HEBREW HOLIDAYS BABY'S FALL HURTS TO BE OBSERVED TDEWtWNEVVS IE ONLY HER FEELINGS Report Of Home Boys Being Insurance Company Intolvtnt, (ly Associated rrcMH.) r.OBton. Mass, A lit. 79. The New Kngland K.uit.ili'.o Insurance Uotu-pany. In tin- hand of receivers for more than 11 year, today was declared Insolvent l.y I-oring of Supreme court, who orderi lid affair wuund up.

Burlcon Tkes a Hand. Washington, Ann Under uf' tiers Issued today nil changes In tele-phono rates mut In- submitted to postmaster lictienl laithfa.n for in- l.pcr.rn in? effective arid tin- compinii rc required to make charge installing new tt phones or ih.mgiui' lln I01 a I ion of I1 Virginia Curtis Creasy Falls From Two-Story Window But Is Uninjured Rosh Hashana And Yom Kip-pur Services At Elk's Home September 6 The Hebrew Nfw-Year (Hosh H.n- Wounded Begin To Come In Three In List l'rlvati" Klmer Joseph Pchhlcher, Why Virginia Curtis Creasy, the nt one tlinm un employe of the lally huna) wl'l begin Friday, September 9 The First National Bank Of NEWPORT NEWS i Invites the accounts of responsible corporation, firms and individuals, to whom it offers in its different departments a service combining the: most modern methods with old-fashioned," conservative banking, practice. It is the bank's constant aim and endeavor to keep pace with the rapidly changing requirements of business and at the same time pursue a course which will safeguard beyond ques- tion. its obligations to its customers and to the community, believing in this way only can their needs be most effectively and permanently Ve Invite You to Make OUr Bank Your Bank Press, has b'en woundi-d In action In at 7 oV ck and last until tho fol- tho Krenoh trenehea. No particular lowmir Sunday- night.

I'nder the Aus are available. 1 nn' yi ar-oM daughter or Mr. nnu Mih Samuel ('. Creasy, of 114 Fifty-I fourth it, Is dill i njiiy.iiK life Jh hard to explain. Tirtd of this mundane existence, lh" II 1 1 It- laily yesterday tried Im ki cure txaiternent by falling from the second story window Schleicher la a iin inhrr of the mar pices of the Hebrew Hible Clasa As-Bocifttion and tho Jewish Welfare ine eorpa, having enlisted dhortly after Ann rlca'a entrance Into tho war.

He Hoard, divine services will be hblrt at la not iiuite 21 years of ae. ho Klka' Home, 212 Thirty-second street, on New Years Iay and the Day of Atonement Yoiu Klppur.) Record War Payments, I of her home. The i si it-nn nt may a-1. In Am: I Thu crn-' ha hun obta.ned If not for the mint tinlav paid of I r.ti.auo.oe foi luM, l-iinly ftt I lie parent, oiil.ii.iis a'- making Hi." csiinljy iifti-rnoin Virginia an largi-M d.ij's expenditures for Jj, laying l.y urn of tdt- windows on the llo-i. in ui the nation i history.

second Door of trie liousai wtn-n In Thin is in to iliiliiirxinK mme way the an hi fi ll out and lin- Halibl Dr. M. Spelt ill be Jn Cuticura Quickly Heals Baby's Itching Skin li Vkc l.i.n ill hot water Ami Ctiti gently and i any letbicvs -i. r.u!it Thcst creamy rntaiiici.t? umu1I int.nt rr.irf, permit rrst anfi rp lo Fpriily he.ilin; 1.1 nil lf fails I bi'i Kk rr M.ll A Mr vbA pmM Ml ft iui- Ji, ami JKV 11. u.oA".

cl'UrKe of the aervices'. lie will bo assisted by a' very cap.tble' Cantor from New York city. The aervh-ea will be conducted along conservative aml a I i.tart. ,1 on mi ilia li ly I hi' hat.y starti il on Ml i i rutnil her aI-vi'otur''. Hho was pi'oi'ihmIIiik rapidly toward what 'iind ctrtaln Uo'itli In ii Iho Mildly IntiTM ntlun vt a.

the war the yountf inin wax employed hy the i'heaapcake find1 Ohio ri.l-way In the yards In this t'lty. I're-vious to hut he had worked1 fn' the old offices of the 1 hilly IV ess. Mrs. Mary' K. 'Schleicher, of jll Twenly-fimrth htfeet, thin city, the young man's mother, received ttle-Itrain from the major pco-eral omnia Hchlelcher'a divlaion aayinc the Newport News boy had been wounded In action on Juno 3.

It was sai no' further particulars could be obtained at thin time. SchU i. lier'M parents already have received letter from their boy ay-InK he l.ud been wounded and was in a French liospuul. They learned from his letter that his wounds are not MASOiTiC NOTICE A Ciilloil I'litiiiiuinii'iit ihtiNli mmd her fr.nn Injury. iiifisiila lodi'.

No. 1I7H, A. )'. A. will Ik- lit l.l Tho mother rushed to the yard ixnrtlnK to find her worRt fears ri'Hlixeil, hut found the baliy nonn the wi.r-p for 'u-r i-xpi-rlenee beyond be-uiK h.i 1 1 cerutolii l.

In a few niinutia ihe wax mi happy aa before. Ir. Cooper rH)iil to examine DR. R. R.

CLARK Veterinarian 2703-11 Huntington Avenue PHONE No. 1 iict lines, partly jn Hebrew and partly in KiiKlish. In lald.tion to a holiday Bcr inon Saturday and Sunday mornings, hahbl Speier Will offer special Kng-lish pnlyers. A committee will in nttchdanee at the Klks' Home Thursday, September 6, from 1 to 'JO p. in and Friday, September 6, from 10 a.

m. to noon, to assign seats to the various families. To simplify matters and to avoid confusion, as a largo number of soldiers and sailors are expected to attend, all Hebrews of the city are urgently requested to consult tie committee in due time. Soldiers and sailors of the Jewish faith are not required to secure iseuts as places of honor will be reserved for them. Building in its ii'r'i' romiis.

J7(tll-0t W.ikIi-iiiL'tiin I'Viilay I'Otli. ill 7 VIoek. Wt rk in tin1 ihroc d-'nM-s and ut inr on ri'iinsK. All Master Miisoris in (final statMlintr itinli- the child and kikiii reportod that an m-nous. lallv far aa eoihl be asxcrtalned, Ktio had sustained no Injuries from the fall except to Iht feclinu.

III Vlt'MI. drdor i .5. 15. the V. M.

MA USD KM, Socrrliirv, We have in stock here over one quarter of a million Hard Red Brick for immediate delivery. Anticipate your needs and purchase at once. Everything needed for a brick job at right prices. I Word ajso has been received of the jwoundiiiK of two other boya from this i city JaineA Finch, better known as Jimmie," for aeveral years teller In the Citizens and Marine Hank, has jbeen reported wounded in action. It Is understood he has been Khot In the i li.

unit In r. ri ui ho ii'iarti-il li.itav. I. WII.SnN. I i.i tin- l.i.ii' a MitMi-n TOO LATE TO CLASS I r.

LOST LOST ON TMIKSIAY A FT Kit- ncKHi let wen 1 Tw -nty-ircMntl i. IN Tn rni'iri'ii liorothy A. Tii llfr oil" M. II fi ll ll" Ioiiiii. A rhailriw on thin. llurkr lH ll 'i'v A Willi III ur i fair and f- hi aim. i ue tuner Newport mail nil rri ii nil i lie ni iwi ui ii.iiupi.ii most stubbornly fought. German Officers Lit. Tonight the sky1 is dotted with flashes of exploding shells while the roar or the barrage and counter barrage must be audible itlmost to Paris. In htc Hid HULL Z1ULL OPTICIANS AND OPTOMETRIST! 132 26 Street.

r7)a Illumined liMikan Icnaea Duplicated KaUbllahed Pracrlutlonr nilMl i- end Chestnut avenues, closed face ouniieu is nomas Osborne. Fold KlRln watch and pin. Initials horna wna a member of a inachii.e N. J. ennnived on watch.

l'lease company. liefore enterlnu f'e In l.ut 'II oolii, Benson-Phillips Co. -Inc. Law Building, Newport News, Va. Phone 7-1390 one return to Mrs.

(i. Campbell. Mti wa conmcie.i wun me 1 M. C. A.

street, New port It I tho bark areas shells are fulling be- hind the Americans but not so frequently os at many times previously. ond News, Va. tNTERNATONAL WARTIM PROAOWA mum efrigerators Department Store 2905 07 Wash. Ave. I i The Ciermans are using all their guns and energy In attempting to tear the determined linos of their nd-vancing enemy.

Two captured officers when questioned today by intelligence ollleers attempted to give the Impression that little resistance would be made, assuring the olllcers that there were few machine guns emplnecl. While telling the story, however. It was being refuted within their own 1. raring. How many hundreds or thousands of these little guns the Ciermans have immediately front of the Americans Is not known but the number Is quite large.

Our Fall Session Will Begin September 3rd (Continued from page one) beverage uses. or the of this ad no distilled malt, villous, or other intoxicating lluuors shall be imported into the rolled States during the continuance of the present war and period of demobilization. "Any pt-i-son ho violates any of the foregoing provisions shall bo punished by imprisonment nut excuedlu; one year, or by fine not exceeding 1.0(11) or both such imprinotiinunt and line "Provided, that the President of the United States be and hereby is authored and empowered at any time after the passage of this act, to establish zones of such size as he may deem advisable about coal miuea, mu $24 to $55 ON EASY TERMS -flood, substantial refrigerators of attractive appearance the kind that require the smallest amount of iee and that ineludcthe newest ideas in refrigerator construction. W. MESSICK Grove's chill Tonie Tablets and- You can now get Orove's Tasteless Ol'lt course; have pointed (ho way to liii'tiln-d-i.

In tlicsc days every l.rii.'lit Imy ami jrirl is so vitally needed dy luisiiiessiii Hie strii'le In no 'ft tin' war demands of tin; frnvernntcnt, it seems tliat every sou and daughter alilc tn enter a sehnnl would lie "Cratn-inin" to meet the test. Knroll ()V. DKI.I-' ,1. (J A INKS, Trineiiml. 1st Nat'l Eank Bdg.

Phone 350 chill Tonlo In Tablet form as well an I in Syrup, the kind you have always I bought. The tablets are intended for those who prefer to, swallow a tablet I rather than a syr'ip, and a a convon- le.nce. for those who travel. GROVK 2502 Huntington Ave. Phone 32 chill TONIC TAHLKTS contain exactly the same tnodiclnal proerties and produce the same results as drove's Tasteless t4iill Tonic.

which Is put up In bottles. The price of either la 60e. Adv. larine Repair Corp. nition factories, tdiiphuilding plants, and such other plants for material as may seem to lu'm to require such action, whenever In his opinion the creation of sticrr tones is necessary to, or advisable In the proper prosecution of tho war and that he Is hereby authorized and empowered to the sale, manufacture, or distribution of intoxicating Honor In such tones, and that liny violation of the President's regulations in this regard shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than oi.e year, or by line of not more than $1, or by both such fine and Imprisonment.

"Provided further that nothing' In this act Khali lie construed to interfere with the power conferred upon tho President by section IS by the Food Control Act approved August 10. 1917." When the agricultural bill comes before the Semite tomorrow a sharp tight en its approbations alleged to be extravagant and unnecessary is planned by several Senators. W. T. CHAPIN NKLMS Inc.

INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL AGENTS Office, Twenty-ninth St. Phone No. 3 ARE YOU FULLY INSURED? Values have Increased irrcntly during the past year. Have you Increased your Insmnce accordingly? 1-ook over your policies and see Us. mm' a Hou wau i.vst We write full war coverages, Kxplosioii, Itcmbardment, Insurrection find Pint, well as the usual coverages lor Kinployers and I'liblic lia-llluy, Plate OlasH.

nievitnr, AutonioLI'e, ltui'tlury, Surety and Fidelity Palace TODAY The Coolest Spot in Town One lot of Men's Shirts in colors of (Jreeii, JjaventLr, ltlnc, and I'ink. Also in goods pal terns in stripes, with and without, collars. They are positively worth up to $1.50. All sixes from 11 to 17. Special fur icw davs A Newport-News Favorite Boat Harbor Stationary and Marine Machinery Repairs Blacksmithing.

Acetylene Welding Ship Carpentering 98c PHONE 22. HAYTOCK, General Manager, MU5 TAK Eowen Tilghman, Inc- Rcal Ei.ialc, Insurance and Rental Agents WAtHINCTON AV. BASEMtNT PHONE 401 Barriscale In "Rose o5 Paradise Special comment is not nec Investigate the II any Rose SYSTEM OF CREDIT Watches, Diamonds or Jewelry You will find it the most ccm- i I mud ml TClill Continued from page onu) hastily. Only a few prisoners are reported as yet the (lermans apparently seeing to it that only machine gun crews should be sacrificed. All the skill of (ieneral von Schwer-In, commanding the Keventh Guard division Is being exercised to hold back the Americans at their jiomt In the line north of Solssons and save the (lermans from th: menace they would be under if the Allies occupied the plateau extending further toward the east.

ltecovering befoio the day eneded from the shock of tho early morning attack, von Schwerin brought into his ai tiilm and other resources In a effort to check the! Pt frVSS fi ffil'f B-a I C5a FOR SALE AT LOW PRICE MANURE IN CARLOAD LOTS WE AXE READY WITH A HIGH-GRADE MANURE FOR FOR PRICE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TO THE FARMER. WRITE Virginia Reclamation Corporation, P. 0. BOX 187.

NORFOLK, VA. 1 1 II II 111 1. I 11.1 4 I VMR essary when this popular star nppears at the Palace. She has a personality which you just can't resist. sv'leiu ol buying' diamonds and jewelry of all kinds.

My system is confidential liberal and prices within reach of all. Representing one of the oldest IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. rind kith homo on Madison avenue, 0:1 t.c.n- Thirtieth street1 price, I movement. Kuually determined ef jewelry houses in the city of Nor-' folk, iliey buying diamonds direct jfrom the cutters, are able to give Xew oil in hath with arajjo, on Thirtieth i-liict. near avenue: price.

$.750. forts were made by those organizations In rfont of the French disisions on the right and loft of the Americans. Hum Are Determined, lteports from points on the line where the attack Is In pregmis Indicate that tho Americans are confronted bf what is believed by many to be one of the most determined stands yet taken by the Germans who realize that ffASOLUTElY JEFF'S 1 mil.f Oi l. lii Mit l. near JfTerson avenue, a good mi two lets; price, you what you want at the lowest price.

Drop some evening during the week between 5:30 and 9 p. m. or any Saturday afternoon from 12 to and let me explain my easy payment plan. Better yet, call me on phone 1400 any time and I will be glad to make nu np-pointrucat with you to show you ONicniaii 'iaxoii a break at any point would likely be followed by,ster. The npinlun seems to be that every yard of territory gained will be bitterly eont.

ted and that it Is not improbable tliat villages, and other objectives will be subjected to the fate of capture and recapture many limes before tholr iKimosvlon Is undisputed Hie rupiiiity with which the gains were made early in the day was not duplicated in the afternoon when the battle nettled into a strong artillery duel In which the guns of both aides lired often at direot targets and at unusually close range. The cnuntry which has been the battlellield almost four years, again is the scene of the conflict which has started out wit-h the promise of belniT what you want at your residence or office and explain niy easy payment pi wit hunt nny nhlo-st inn on yuur Don't Delay Write, Call or Phone 1400 HARRY ROSE bVpresentative Representing One of Norfolk's Oldest Jewelry Houses Grafton. Hotel 24th St. and Washington Ave. Any evening to 9 p.

in. Saturday 7 to 7:30 p. in. 11 0Q oL THAT ANNOYING. PERSISTENT COUGII mr 1M i ehrwilo lnng trouMo.

or mtan U.t tb eliranlo mttmm saiaaUy oo cinvi noiniimoq cno miKiuca. it iixitr oa try C. T. II0LTZCLAW ARCHITECT Room 15, Coleman Bldg. Phone 948-W.

ECKMAIfS ALTERATIVE TUls tonle as 4 tti-rrilrr supplies acknowl1(d HMtu of Calcium l'tmiit wltfcout 4 l.tartilajr lh tuuiAclu uo AltoUul, 2ar-ootlo or Ilablt-Funalaa- Drug, now (1.50. $1 sow 80c Prlc IncUidr. wsr tit All rtruielrt llortrr. I'tiUadrlphia.

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